The Department has convened the work groups as charged under the provisions of HB 1490. We provided individual group facilitators and note takers to each group to assist in conducting the first meeting and allowing the work groups to convene. The facilitators will not serve in future sessions unless requested to do so by the work group itself. As of late Tuesday, 7 of the 8 groups have requested that the Department continue to provide this resource. Arrangements have been made for the times, dates and locations suggested. We will work to provide this assistance on additional or other dates to the extent possible.
In addition, the Department provided lunch for the past two days for all participants and arranged for meeting space. Both of these services are also available for future meetings upon request by the group on the days earlier suggested. All meetings are public and all records are subject to the Sunshine Law as the groups were convened by the Department in compliance with State law. The work groups are responsible for meeting all requirements for compliance. Again, the Department will assist as requested by the groups.
We are particularly interested in ensuring that the educators involved in this process have ample notice of meetings to facilitate their participation and adequate preparation for a substitute if necessary. We believe that the active involvement of professionals is critical to the quality of the final product.