Normandy Transition Task Force Delivers Report for School District
The Commissioner of Education, Chris Nicastro, will introduce the Normandy Transition Task Force to the State Board of Education at its Tuesday, May 20 meeting in Columbia, MO, to review their report. The Task Force was established in March 2014 to develop a specific plan for the operation of schools in the Normandy School District should the district lapse.
The Task Force report includes several recommendations, including the creation of a new local education authority within the current footprint of the Normandy School District, appointing a Joint Executive Governing Board to replace existing district governance, and establishing an Innovation Community to spark innovation, ideas, and resources within the district.
“The Department appreciates the hard work and attention to detail shown by the Task Force,” said Chris L. Nicastro, Commissioner of Education. “We will use the Task Force Report in framing recommendations for the future of Normandy. We are committed to ensuring that Normandy children and families have access to high-quality schools in their community.”
Other recommendations encompass alternative school options, staffing, leadership, operations and community partnerships. Early childhood education and wraparound services for students and their families are also included.
The Normandy School District was classified as unaccredited as of January 1, 2013.