Missouri Improving Educator Preparation Programs


Missouri educator preparation programs are improving their systems for preparing classroom teachers and school leaders. The State Board of Education approved certification areas for 40 Missouri four-year colleges and universities today. Preparation programs and PK-12 are now focused on the same research-based practices, as outlined through the standards and quality indicators. This focus means improved preparation, resulting in better teaching and more learning for students. Two areas that changed significantly were updates to the Missouri Teachers Standards as well as an increased emphasis on reading instruction. The state’s aim is to place an effective teacher in every classroom and an effective leader in every school building.

“We are grateful to our colleagues with Missouri’s educator preparation programs for their hard work in improving their programs,” said Paul Katnik, assistant commissioner for the Office of Educator Quality. “This was a collaborative process that will benefit our students by placing high-quality educators in classrooms throughout the state.”

The colleges and universities comprise both public and private institutions throughout the state of Missouri, aiding in DESE’s goal to ensure equitable access to excellent educators in every district.