Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Testing Window Begins This Week


The Missouri Assessment Program, or MAP tests, began this week for some schools and includes several new features.

Changes to this year’s tests include:

  • New computerized assessments for grades 3-8
  • Shorter testing time that allows for more instruction
  • Higher expectations for math and English language arts

MAP is designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described in the Missouri Learning Standards. The assessments let teachers and parents know whether students are on track to be college and career ready when they graduate.

This year marks new grade-level tests for English language arts and math. These tests will reflect and measure higher expectations.

“Teachers have worked hard preparing students for the higher standards,” said Missouri Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven. “These standards and improved assessments are designed to help our students think and problem solve — skills necessary for success in life.”

For the first time, grade levels 3-8 will take a computerized assessment. The computerized exams are interactive and allow students to use tools to solve problems. This capability brings a real-world element and helps students develop the skills they will need in their future careers.

Online assessments provide a benefit for districts as student scores will be made available faster than ever before. In addition, schools will no longer have to handle, store and process paper test books.

This year’s exams will be shorter for grades 3, 4, 6 and 7. The decrease in testing time allows for more instructional time for students and teachers.

The testing assessment window opened Monday and closes on May 22.

Goal 1 of Missouri’s Top 10 by 20 initiative calls for all Missouri students to graduate high school college and career ready.