The Missouri Senate has confirmed the appointment of Maynard Wallace, Thornfield, Mo., to the State Board of Education. With references to Wallace as “a man of great character” and having “great integrity and heart with a love for kids,” the appointment was confirmed on a 29-5 vote.
Wallace was appointed to the State Board in July 2014 to fill a seat that had been vacant since Jan. 2013. His term will end July 1, 2016.
“We are pleased with this confirmation,” said Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven. “Maynard is well respected throughout the state for his commitment to children and education. He will continue to serve Missouri well as a member of the State Board.”
Wallace chaired the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee while serving in the legislature from 2003-2011. He has also worked as superintendent of school districts in Forsyth, Mo., and Ava, Mo., and worked as a teacher, coach and principal in Missouri public schools.
Wallace earned his bachelor’s degree in education from Southwest Missouri State University (now Missouri State University) and his master’s in education from Central Missouri State University.