Recent Improvement Efforts Highlighted
The State Board of Education received updates from unaccredited and provisionally accredited districts during Tuesday’s State Board meeting.
The reports from Jennings, Hickman Mills C-1 and Riverview Gardens focused on the development and implementation of each district’s improvement plan. The presentations included strategies and interventions, as well as goals and targets for academic performance as each district strives to achieve full accreditation.
“This is a step in the process to ensure that these districts are on the right track and taking necessary steps toward full accreditation,” said Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven. “We will continue to work closely with them to ensure students are provided a high-quality education.”
Districts also provided updates on successful program implementation. Jennings required principals to attend monthly data team meetings to check progress and extended the school day as well as an option for Saturday school. Riverview Gardens has placed an extra emphasis on reading, requiring students to read at least 20 minutes per day. Hickman Mills C-1 implemented a preschool program with nearly 100 percent of 4-year-olds in the district attending.
“My hope is that the state will push for universal preschool,” said Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr., Riverview Gardens Special Administrative Board President.
All three districts saw increases in their 2014 Annual Performance Report scores of at least 12.5 percent from the previous year.
“My goal is to remove excuses for not reaching success,” said Jennings Superintendent Dr. Tiffany Anderson.
Jennings and Hickman Mills C-1 are provisionally accredited, while Riverview Gardens is unaccredited. Caruthersville, Hayti R-II and Calhoun R-VIII will present to the State Board at its February meeting.
The Department has the authority and responsibility to offer more supervision, assistance, and if necessary, intervention to prevent districts or schools from falling below accredited levels. The Missouri School Improvement Program Plan for Support and Intervention requires districts that are provisionally accredited or unaccredited to participate in specific interventions.
Ensuring that all Missouri students graduate ready for college and careers is a goal of the state’s Top 10 by 20 initiative, which calls for Missouri to be one of the top 10 states for education by 2020.