Citing the Normandy Joint Executive Governing Board’s commitment to improving student performance and the need for greater clarity and improved communication, Peter Herschend, President of the State Board, has communicated the plan developed by the Department to delegate final authority for operational and governing decisions to the Joint Executive Governing Board and administration of the Normandy Schools Collaborative (NSC).
If the Governing Board accepts the additional responsibility, the State Board could act to delegate final authority for implementation of the NSC Accountability Plan to the Normandy Joint Executive Governing Board (JEGB). The State Board would retain oversight of the NSC, and the Department would provide support to the Normandy Board and administration upon request.
“As with any new plan, the need for continuous monitoring and improvement is critical,” said Commissioner of Education Chris Nicastro. “As we reviewed the progress of the Normandy Schools Collaborative and the Joint Executive Governing Board’s report to the State Board of Education, and held discussions with the staff, the Department is both encouraged by their progress in some areas and concerned about others. We believe there is a clear need for the Board and administration of the Collaborative to be empowered to act more quickly and affirmatively, particularly in areas of teacher support, instructional materials and classroom management. If these changes are accepted by the JEGB and approved by the State Board at their December 4 meeting, the State Board and Department will remain committed to maintaining their oversight responsibility while allowing the JEGB to function independently.”
The Normandy Joint Executive Governing Board would still be required to provide quarterly progress reports to the State Board, and monthly accountability reports through the Regional School Improvement Team process. In addition, the Department will retain financial oversight of the NSC, which is consistent with Department practice for all districts in financial stress.
The changes are outlined in a letter to the Normandy Joint Executive Governing Board from State Board President Peter Herschend. The letter asks for a response by November 24. The issue will be discussed and recommended for action at the State Board’s December meeting.
The letter thanks the Normandy Joint Executive Governing Board for its commitment to the goal of assuring high quality educational programs for all students in the Normandy Schools Collaborative. That commitment is in line with the primary goal of Missouri’s Top 10 by 20 initiative: all Missouri students will graduate ready for college and career.