The Department today presented an update to the State Board regarding public comment on the proposed Missouri Learning Standards, which define what students know and are able to do at their grade levels. The proposed standards must receive Board approval by May 2016.
The Department sought feedback on the proposed standards by establishing both an anonymous survey and the opportunity to email feedback to the Department. More than 3,000 comments were submitted. The survey asked respondents to voluntarily state whether they are students, parents, community members, educators or other.
Most comments were related to proposed reading and writing standards, reading foundations, and language in grades K-5, and writing and research in grades 6-12. More than 90 percent of survey feedback came from educators. Adair County had the most responses with 123, followed by Jackson, Cass, Christian and Cape Girardeau counties.
“We appreciate those who took time to provide comments regarding the proposed standards,” said Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven. “Establishing rigorous standards provides a roadmap for ensuring all students graduate prepared for a successful future.”
The public comment period was open from Nov. 2 – Dec. 2, 2015. The comment period for academic researchers closes Jan. 13, 2016. A comparison between the current Missouri Learning Standards and the proposed standards is available on the Department website.
The next update on proposed standards will come at the February meeting of the State Board, and the Board is scheduled to take action on the standards at its March meeting.
Work groups consisting of educators and parents developed the proposed standards over the past year. Once new standards are approved by the State Board, they will go into effect with the 2016-17 school year. The Department will develop new assessments aligned to the standards for the 2017-18 testing season.