A team of students from Mark Twain High School in Center took third place in the Management Division at the National Educational Foundation’s National ProStart Invitational that took place May 3-5 in Minneapolis, Minn.
The group, which also won first place at the state competition, has been selected as a recipient of grants from Golden Corral and the Burger King McLamore Foundation.
Team members include Jill Alexander, Matt Taylor, Kylie Spinner and Jessica Stinson. The group is sponsored by Linda Stinson, the culinary arts instructor at Mark Twain. It was the second straight year the school has performed well at the event after a fifth-place finish in 2013.
Pro Start is a two-year program for high school students that connects the classroom with industry to develop the best and brightest talent into tomorrow’s hospitality leaders. This year’s event featured more than 300 students from 46 states. For more information on the event, visit http://www.nraef.org/Newsroom/News-Releases/High-School-Students-From-46-States,-Territories-A.