Office of Financial and Administrative Services

Relief Funds Webinar - Maintenance of Equity Requirements

Local education agencies (LEAs) receiving ESSER III funds are required to maintain equity of funding and staffing in their schools with the greatest rates of poverty. DESE is hosting a webinar to provide specifics about the requirements and how LEAs may receive an exception, and to answer questions from the field. LEAs are strongly encouraged to attend this webinar on Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. You may access the webinar at https: //

ESSA Coding Guidance Discussion

In this webinar, DESE staff discuss the various ESSA coding guidance documentation that has been distributed to districts and entertain questions regarding this material.  

In the recording of this webinar there were several typos in the presentation material. The correct presentation may be printed from the “About this Webinar” section of this page.

Question and answers from this webinar may be printed from the “About this Webinar” section of this page.

The typos are as follows: