Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association

MVATA Awards

All awards must be received by MVATA President-Elect, Jackie Carlson, by April 1.  Please send all applications (unless application says differently) to:

Jackie Carlson

Jefferson C-123 High School

37614 US Hwy 136

Conception Jct, MO 64434

*NAAE Awards


Jess Clonts Memorial Scholarship

Who's Eligible:  1st year teachers

Award:  $1,000 & Plaque

State Sponsor:  Northcutt Financial Services

Application:  The application can be found below:

Jess Clonts Memorial Scholarship

Clonts Application Questions


Outstand Young Member*

Who's Eligible:  Teachers with 3-5 years experience

Award:  $1,000 & Plaque

Sponsor:  MFA Incorporated

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current Year President-Elect


Distinguished Service Award

Who's Eligible:  Candidate's Nominated From Each District

Award:  Plaque & MVATA Banquet Recognition

Sponsor:  Seitz Fundraising

Application:  MVATA Distinguished Service Award

                    Distinguished Service Award Guidelines

Deadline:  Established by District

Mail to:  District Representative on MVATA Welfare & Service Award Committee


Outstanding Ag Ed Teacher*

Who's Eligible:  Current Ag Education Teachers

Award:  $1,000 & Plaque

Sponsor:  Missouri FFA Foundation

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current Year President-Elect


Outstanding Middle School/Secondary Program*

Who's Eligible:  Current Agriculture Education Teachers

Award:  $1,000 & Plaque

Sponsor:  Missouri FFA Foundation

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current President-Elect


Outstanding Teacher Mentor Award*

Who's Eligible:  Any Agriculture instructor who has served as mentor (within or in addition to the state mentoring program) for another agriculture teacher.

State Award:  $1,00 & Plaque

Sponsor:  4 Seasons Fundraising

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current President-Elect


Postsecondary/Adult Education Award*

Who's Eligible:  2-year postsecondary institutions and full time Young Farmer and adult agriculture education programs.  Qualifying in Young Farmer and/or adult ag ed program staff must devote at least 50 percent of their teaching time to this level of instruction.

State Award:  $250 & Plaque

Sponsor:  MFA Incorporated

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current President-Elect


Teacher's Turn the Key Scholarship Award*

Who's Eligible:  2nd, 3rd & 4th year teachers & have not attended a NAAE convention previously.  The applicant must agree to attend the NAAE convention

Award:  Registration for the NAAE Convention, Airfare/Mileage to the convention, and four night hotel stay for the convention.

Sponsor:  NAAE

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current President-Elect


Ideas Unlimited Award*

Who's Eligible:  All agriculture educators who are NAAE members and have been NAAE members the past three years or since they started teaching.

Award:  $250 & Plaque for state winner, District & at-large winners also receive a prize determined by the president-elect.

Sponsor:  Seitz Fundraising

Application:  www.naae.org(link is external)

Deadline:  April 1

Mail to:  Current President-Elect









MVATA Committees

MVATA Committees

MVATA District Officers

MVATA District and Area Officers document


MVATA Area Officers

MVATA District and Area Officers document


MVATA Executive Committee

Front Row (left to right):   Rylyn Small, East Prairie – President; Jackie Carlson, Jefferson – President-Elect; Jason Dieckhoff, Cass Career Center – Secretary; Jay Shepherd, Mt Vernon – Secretary-Elect; Travis Kramme, Sullivan – Past President 

Back Row (left to right):  : Matt Blevins, Bernie – Southeast District President; Loren Meservey, Jamesport – Northwest District President;     Cody Stewart, Republic – Southwest District President; Cord Jenkins, Rolla – South Central District President; Jessica Dobrzenski, Brookfield – Northeast District President; John Muri, Jamestown – Central District President 

2024-25 MVATA Executive Committee


Rylyn Small

East Prairie High School

304 E Walnut, PO Box 10

East Prairie, MO  63845-0010


rylyn.small@eastprairie.org(link sends email)


President Elect

Jackie Carlson

Jefferson C-123 High School

37614 US Hwy 136

Conception Junction, MO 64434


jcarlson@jc123.k12.mo.us(link sends email)



Jason Dieckhoff

Cass Career Center

1600 E. Elm

Harrisonville, MO 64701-2024

816-380-3253, ext 7803

Jason.Dieckhoff@harrisonvilleschools.org(link sends email)



Jay Shepherd

Mount Vernon R-V High School

400 W Hwy 174

Mt Vernon MO 65712-6337


shepherdjames@mtvernon.k12.mo.us(link sends email)


Executive Treasurer

Pam Proffitt-Rowland

MVATA Executive Treasurer

11573 St. Hwy TT

Dudley, MO 63936


pprowland@windstream.net(link sends email)


Northeast District President

Jessica Dobrzenski                       

Linn County Area Career & Technical C

122 Pershing Road                       

Brookfield MO 64628-2731          


jdobrzenski@brookfieldr3.org(link sends email)


Northwest District President

Loren Meservey                                                  

Tri-County R-VII High School                                            

904 W Auberry Grove                           

Jamesport MO 64648-9802                             

660-684-6116 or 684-6118                               

lmeservey@trico.k12.mo.us(link sends email)


Central District President

John Muri                                        

Jamestown C-I High School        

222 School Street                          

Jamestown MO 65046-1303       

660-849-2141 Ext. 307                 

murij@jamestown.k12.mo.us(link sends email)


Southwest District President

Cody Stewart                                  

Republic R-III High School          

4370 S Repmo Dr                          

Republic MO 65738-7570            

417-732-3650 Ext. 5117              

cody.stewart@republicschools.org(link sends email)


South Central District President

Cord Jenkins                                  

Rolla Technical Institute               

1304 East 10th Street                   

Rolla MO 65401-3601                  

573-458-0150 Ext. 15315            

cjenkins@rolla31.org(link sends email)


Southeast District President

Matt Blevins                                   

Bernie High School                       

516 W Main                                    

Bernie MO 63822-9575                

573-293-5334 Ext. 288                 

blevinsm@bernie.k12.mo.us(link sends email)


Past President

Travis Kramme                               

Sullivan High School                    

1073 E Vine Street                        

Sullivan MO 63080-2160             


krammet@sullivaneagles.org(link sends email)