Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association
- MVATA Awards
All awards must be received by MVATA President-Elect, Jackie Carlson, by April 1. Please send all applications (unless application says differently) to:
Jackie Carlson
Jefferson C-123 High School
37614 US Hwy 136
Conception Jct, MO 64434
*NAAE Awards
Jess Clonts Memorial Scholarship
Who's Eligible: 1st year teachers
Award: $1,000 & Plaque
State Sponsor: Northcutt Financial Services
Application: The application can be found below:
Jess Clonts Memorial Scholarship
Outstand Young Member*
Who's Eligible: Teachers with 3-5 years experience
Award: $1,000 & Plaque
Sponsor: MFA Incorporated
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current Year President-Elect
Distinguished Service Award
Who's Eligible: Candidate's Nominated From Each District
Award: Plaque & MVATA Banquet Recognition
Sponsor: Seitz Fundraising
Application: MVATA Distinguished Service Award
Distinguished Service Award Guidelines
Deadline: Established by District
Mail to: District Representative on MVATA Welfare & Service Award Committee
Outstanding Ag Ed Teacher*
Who's Eligible: Current Ag Education Teachers
Award: $1,000 & Plaque
Sponsor: Missouri FFA Foundation
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current Year President-Elect
Outstanding Middle School/Secondary Program*
Who's Eligible: Current Agriculture Education Teachers
Award: $1,000 & Plaque
Sponsor: Missouri FFA Foundation
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current President-Elect
Outstanding Teacher Mentor Award*
Who's Eligible: Any Agriculture instructor who has served as mentor (within or in addition to the state mentoring program) for another agriculture teacher.
State Award: $1,00 & Plaque
Sponsor: 4 Seasons Fundraising
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current President-Elect
Postsecondary/Adult Education Award*
Who's Eligible: 2-year postsecondary institutions and full time Young Farmer and adult agriculture education programs. Qualifying in Young Farmer and/or adult ag ed program staff must devote at least 50 percent of their teaching time to this level of instruction.
State Award: $250 & Plaque
Sponsor: MFA Incorporated
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current President-Elect
Teacher's Turn the Key Scholarship Award*
Who's Eligible: 2nd, 3rd & 4th year teachers & have not attended a NAAE convention previously. The applicant must agree to attend the NAAE convention
Award: Registration for the NAAE Convention, Airfare/Mileage to the convention, and four night hotel stay for the convention.
Sponsor: NAAE
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current President-Elect
Ideas Unlimited Award*
Who's Eligible: All agriculture educators who are NAAE members and have been NAAE members the past three years or since they started teaching.
Award: $250 & Plaque for state winner, District & at-large winners also receive a prize determined by the president-elect.
Sponsor: Seitz Fundraising
Application: www.naae.org
Deadline: April 1
Mail to: Current President-Elect
- MVATA Committees
- MVATA District Officers
MVATA District and Area Officers document
- MVATA Area Officers
MVATA District and Area Officers document
- MVATA Executive Committee
Front Row (left to right): Rylyn Small, East Prairie – President; Jackie Carlson, Jefferson – President-Elect; Jason Dieckhoff, Cass Career Center – Secretary; Jay Shepherd, Mt Vernon – Secretary-Elect; Travis Kramme, Sullivan – Past President
Back Row (left to right): : Matt Blevins, Bernie – Southeast District President; Loren Meservey, Jamesport – Northwest District President; Cody Stewart, Republic – Southwest District President; Cord Jenkins, Rolla – South Central District President; Jessica Dobrzenski, Brookfield – Northeast District President; John Muri, Jamestown – Central District President
Rylyn Small
East Prairie High School
304 E Walnut, PO Box 10
East Prairie, MO 63845-0010
President Elect
Jackie Carlson
Jefferson C-123 High School
37614 US Hwy 136
Conception Junction, MO 64434
Jason Dieckhoff
Cass Career Center
1600 E. Elm
Harrisonville, MO 64701-2024
816-380-3253, ext 7803
Jay Shepherd
Mount Vernon R-V High School
400 W Hwy 174
Mt Vernon MO 65712-6337
Executive Treasurer
Pam Proffitt-Rowland
MVATA Executive Treasurer
11573 St. Hwy TT
Dudley, MO 63936
Northeast District President
Jessica Dobrzenski
Linn County Area Career & Technical C
122 Pershing Road
Brookfield MO 64628-2731
Northwest District President
Loren Meservey
Tri-County R-VII High School
904 W Auberry Grove
Jamesport MO 64648-9802
660-684-6116 or 684-6118
Central District President
John Muri
Jamestown C-I High School
222 School Street
Jamestown MO 65046-1303
660-849-2141 Ext. 307
Southwest District President
Cody Stewart
Republic R-III High School
4370 S Repmo Dr
Republic MO 65738-7570
417-732-3650 Ext. 5117
South Central District President
Cord Jenkins
Rolla Technical Institute
1304 East 10th Street
Rolla MO 65401-3601
573-458-0150 Ext. 15315
Southeast District President
Matt Blevins
Bernie High School
516 W Main
Bernie MO 63822-9575
573-293-5334 Ext. 288
Past President
Travis Kramme
Sullivan High School
1073 E Vine Street
Sullivan MO 63080-2160