MO Course Access Program

What if the local district refuses to develop the IEP?

The local district will be out of compliance if it fails to develop an IEP for a child with a disability. HOWEVER there is no requirement that the IEP team find that the virtual school is an appropriate setting. Students who are not enrolled in the local school district are parentally enrolled students participating in a public instructional program. The local school district is not required to prepare parentally enrolled students, but they may be eligible for services under the proportionate share requirements of the IDEA.

Are there age requirements for the elementary and high school programs? Can students of one age take courses from another program?

Younger students are permitted to take higher level courses. When older students take elementary classes, they may not earn credit for completing elementary classes.  However, if an IEP team determines that the child needs a certain level of course work that is offered by MOCAP the IEP will be implemented as it is written.

If a parent enrolls a student in MOCAP part-time and part-time in a private or home school, is that student entitled to special education services from the public school district?

The student is not entitled to individualized special education services if enrolled in a private school or home schooled. Part-time enrollment by a parent in a private school or home school classifies the child as a private/nonpublic school student. The district where the private or home school is located has an obligation to identify the children with special needs in the district and to spend a proportionate share of the federal funding on special education for children enrolled in private schools.

Who provides the special education or related services for a student dually enrolled full-time in MOCAP?

As MOCAP is a virtual program there is no intent for it to provide services that require in person contact. Students enrolled in the district receive related services from the district. Students not enrolled in the district are parentally enrolled students who are not entitled to related services but may be able to receive some related services under the proportionate share requirement of the IDEA.