Pathways to Prosperity Event Promotes School-Business Partnerships


The Department’s Pathways to Prosperity initiative will be the focus of a workforce development symposium in Hannibal on June 24, 2014. The initiative is designed to build career pathways for high-school-aged students.

The Northeast Missouri Development Partnership will host the symposium at Hannibal LaGrange University. Superintendents, business leaders, legislators and others interested in developing a ready workforce are invited. To register, please visit

Keynote speakers include Robert Schwartz, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Amy Loyd, Executive Director of Jobs for the Future. Following the presentations, there will be a panel discussion among business leaders who have demonstrated sustainable working relationships with educators.

“Pathways to Prosperity is a solution that can meet the challenge of preparing students for the 21st century,” said Kristie Davis, director of the Department’s Pathways to Prosperity initiative. “We want to link business leaders with schools to give students the background and skills they need for their future careers.”

Missouri is one of nine states selected by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Jobs for the Future to participate in the initiative. For every 100 students in Missouri, 21 will earn a four-year degree. The Pathways to Prosperity Harvard study challenged the focus on a four-year degree, arguing that strong technical education combined with rigorous academics can equip the majority of young people with the skills and credentials to succeed in a challenging job market. The study spurred Harvard to create the Pathways to Prosperity state initiatives.

Pathways to Prosperity can help ensure that Missouri students will graduate ready for a career, which is a goal of the Department’s Top 10 by 20 initiative. Top 10 by 20 is aimed at placing Missouri among the top 10 states in education by 2020.