Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP)
The purpose of the Missouri Special Education Advisory Panel is to provide policy guidance on special education and related services and to carry out those specific and general functions set forth in the above referenced statutes. The panel shall:
- Advise the State Education Agency (SEA) of unmet needs within the State in the education of children with disabilities.
- Comment publicly on any rules or regulations proposed by the state regarding the education of children with disabilities.
- Advise the SEA in developing evaluations and reporting on data to the US Office of Education under Section 618 of the Act.
- Advise the SEA in developing corrective action plans to address findings identified in Federal monitoring reports under Part B of the Act; and
- Advise the SEA in developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities.
- Advise on the education of eligible students with disabilities who have been convicted as adults and incarcerated in adult prisons.
- Membership & Membership Appointments
- Membership Nomination Form [Fill In] [Word]
- Meetings
- Annual Reports
- How to Contact Panel
- Minutes
- Bylaws updated December 2024 [PDF]
- New Member Information