Missouri Teacher Development System

Missouri Teacher Development System (MTDS) is a framework designed to support teacher learning and career development in alignment to the Missouri Educator Evaluation System and the Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS). The system was designed through collaborative partnerships between the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Missouri's Regional Professional Development Centers (RPDCs). MTDS provides guidance for teachers and support for professional developers and trainers designing professional learning for teachers. Some MTDS programming is currently being offered through Missouri's RPDCs, who are continually working to expand MTDS aligned opportunities to meet the needs of teachers at every career level. 

MTDS History

Contact Information:

Bobbie Jo Lewis
MTDS Coordinator
bobbie.lewis@dese.mo.gov(link sends email)

Debra Drury
MTDS Implementation Specialist
ddrury@truman.edu(link sends email)