Statewide 2016 MAP Results Released


Each year, Missouri administers statewide tests using the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) to give students, teachers and parents an objective way to see how well students are learning. The tests are among the measures the department uses to gauge student progress in Missouri public schools. Missouri moved away from the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, and the 2016 results reflect student performance on a Missouri test.

It is important to note that the 2016 MAP grade-level exams in English language arts (ELA) and math were new, so results cannot be compared with results from previous years’ tests. Because the grade-level test items were new, the scores that define the four levels of achievement (below basic, basic, proficient and advanced) have also changed. A committee of approximately 90 Missouri educators earlier this year recommended the new cut scores, which the State Board approved in July. Below are the percentages of Missouri students who scored proficient or advanced on the 2016 grade-level tests:

Subject Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
ELA 60.7 63.2 62.1 58.4 58.0 59.2
Math 52.1 52.5 46.4 43.0 42.5* 40.3*

*Percentages include 7th and 8th grade students who enrolled in Algebra I.

Science proficiency in grades 5 and 8 can be compared with previous years’ results:

  Grade 5 (% prof/adv) Grade 8 (% prof/adv)
2014 48.0 52.5
2015 47.5 49.4
2016 42.7 47.8

Here are the percentages of students who scored proficient or advanced on high school end-of-course exams, compared with results from 2015:

  English II Algebra I Biology American Govt.
2015 73.6 62.1 74.3 63.4
2016 79.2 65.8 66.8 63.2

The statewide results are based on the required assessments: English language arts and math for grades 3-8, science for grades 5 and 8, and end-of-course exams in English II, Algebra I, Biology and American Government in high school. The results also include the MAP Alternative (MAP-A) tests, which are given to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who meet grade-level and eligibility criteria. MAP-A tests are given in ELA and math for grades 3-8 and 11 and in science for grades 5, 8 and 11. 

Student achievement on the MAP tests is among several factors used in school districts’ annual performance reports (APRs) to determine accreditation under the Missouri School Improvement Program. Missouri law does not allow the 2016 results to negatively affect district accreditation or teacher evaluations. The Department will release district APRs to the public this fall.